UL Approval |
Approval from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) indicates that the fuse is manufactured in full compliance with the UL 248-14 standard. UL Recognition, c-UL Listing, c-UL Recognition, c-UL-us Listing, and c-UL-us Recognition do not imply full compliance with UL-248-14. |
CSA Certification |
Approval from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) indicates that the fuse or fuse holder is manufactured in full compliance with CSA C22.2, No. 248.14 or CSA C22.2, No. 39. |
BSI Approval |
British Standards Institute (BSI) approval indicates that the fuse is manufactured in full compliance with the appropriate section of IEC 60127 (BS 4265). |
VDE Approval |
Approval from VDE, a German organization, indicates that the fuse or fuse holder is manufactured in full compliance with the appropriate section of the IEC 60127 standard. |
SEMKO Approval |
Approval from SEMKO, a Swedish organization, indicates that a fuse or fuse holder is manufactured in full compliance with the appropriate section of the IEC 60127 standard. |
CCC Certificate |
China Compulsory Certification (CCC), The CCC certificate was introduced in 2002 and applies to imported goods as well as to Chinese products. |
PSE Approval |
The Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law applies to enterprises that manufacture or import products in Japan |
TUV Approval |
TÜV (Technischer Uberwachungsverein) is of German origin, translated as the Technical Inspection Association. TÜV is the leading and the most competent provider of product testing and certifications for the worldwide marketplace. The certification ensures compliance with domestic and international guidelines, standards and directives. |